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PDF⋙ Highly Scalable Systems in .NET: Concurrency in Functional C# and F# by Riccardo Terrell

Highly Scalable Systems in .NET: Concurrency in Functional C# and F# by Riccardo Terrell

Highly Scalable Systems in .NET: Concurrency in Functional C# and F#

Highly Scalable Systems in .NET: Concurrency in Functional C# and F# by Riccardo Terrell PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Writing safe concurrent programs has become a principle concern in recent years, as multicore CPUs have become more widespread. Functional languages help developers support concurrency by encouraging immutable data structures that can be passed between threads without having to worry about a shared state and avoiding side effects.

This book provides information about how to write readable, more modular, and maintainable code in C# and F#, languages that function at peak performance with fewer lines of code, resulting in increased productivity and successful programs. This book will make you an expert in delivering successful high-performance solutions.

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