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PDF⋙ Flutter by Gina Linko

Flutter by Gina Linko


Flutter by Gina Linko PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

All Emery Land wants is to be like any other 17-year-old—to go to school, hang out with her friends, and just be normal.  But for as long as she can remember, she's suffered from seizures. And in recent years they've consumed her life. To Emery they're much more than seizures, she calls them loops—moments when she travels through wormholes back and forth in time and to a mysterious town. The loops are taking their toll on her physically. So she practically lives in the hospital where her scientist father and an ever-growing team of doctors monitor her every move. They're extremely interested in the data they collect when Emery seizes. It appears that she's tapping into parts of the brain typically left untouched by normal human beings.

Escaping from the hospital, Emery travels to Esperanza, the town from her loops on the upper peninsula of Michigan, where she meets Asher Clarke. Ash's life is governed by his single-minded pursuit of performing good Samaritan acts to atone for the death of a loved one. His journey is very much entwined with Emery's loops.

Drawn together they must unravel their complicated connection before it's too late.

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