Cuba Cars and Cigars: Classic 1950s American Automobiles by Martin Bowman
Cuba Cars and Cigars: Classic 1950s American Automobiles by Martin Bowman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Following the success of Fidel Castro's communist revolution in 1959, Cuba was subjected to harsh sanctions that prohibited all trade with the US. While the automobile industry developed in the West, in Cuba, which had always relied predominantly on the import of US cars, it remained stagnant. It is estimated that there are 60,000 classic cars in Cuba today, including Chevys, Buicks, Caddys, Fords, Packards, Pontiacs, Plymouths, Chryslers, Dodge, Willys, Oldsmobiles and DeSotos to name but a few. These 'Last Chance Saloons', also known as 'Yank tanks', 'máquinas', 'cacharros' and 'bartavias' have been passed down from generation to generation in good running order as cherished family heirlooms as well as practical vehicles. They are now part of the very fabric of Havana, contributing substantially to the city's unique and mesmerizing charm. In Cuba, Cars and Cigars, Martin Bowman has elegantly captured that unmistakable Havanan charm. These photographs are testament to his love of classic cars and of Cuba - nothing is so apparent. If you share these passions, even to a small degree, then you will love this book.From reader reviews:
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